Wouldn’t you rather be more Competitive in your Profession?
To remain relevant, we must adapt to change and stay abreast with it. Change has and will always be with us, this is a fact which cannot be disputed. That is why we introduce the Multisoft PAT Program.
“There are three things that are certain in life: death, taxes and change. You can’t avoid change, it’s mandatory, progress however is optional”
While everyone accepts this, most do little to stay updated. It is important to realize that in today’s competitive world, one of the important tools to realize our dreams and objectives is staying updated with where, how and when to get things done.
Yes, you were probably the best student in the Accounting class at graduation some ten years ago or you were one of the best chartered accountants in the early 90s. You can still be that good today only if you keep updating yourself with knowledge relevant to the current period. Otherwise, you are a ‘yesterday’ winner but certainly not today. Today may belong to someone else. It is very clear and important to consider that, he who is on top in his chosen field today risks losing his “championship’ belt if he ignores the acquisition of relevant information, skills and knowledge that will warrant his continued stay at the top.
Now, let’s consider a bit of detail on what it takes to remain relevant.
Without many words, remaining relevant means having relevant skills, ability, material, tools, knowledge and wisdom to assume and complete today’s task.
It could also mean knowing how best to apply the acquired skills, ability, material, tools knowledge in the conduct of today’s social and business responsibilities. This is important because the tools, skills, knowledge etc., are important but the ultimate is “using “them in a much efficient manner. This means removing the less efficient process and replacing them with more efficient one’s on a daily basis.
Some have been slow in adapting to change and have become victims of change. In most cases, the desire to adapt to change is often inhibited by time, pride and status amongst others.
From the perspective of time, it is obvious that the higher you go ,the busier you get, the less time you have to read ,to attend courses, to embark on educational tours, to interact with peers ,to attend seminars ,conferences and conventions . The unavailability of time reduces the avenues and opportunities to get to know new things and thus speeds up the process of becoming obsolete.
Another notable reason is pride. This may be considered very unfortunate, reason being that it is preventable. Pride makes you feel that you know everything and that there is absolutely nothing new to learn.
A look at our business environment reveals some unfortunate practices which are obviously, the result of pride .For example, a sales supervisor organizes sales related seminar for sales officers, but he [the sales supervisor] will not attend. Similarly, the sales manager would also put together a programme for keeping sales supervisors updated but the sales manager will not show up at the programme. Sometimes if they do put up an appearance, it will only be at lunch time or at the end of the program. It follows through up to the top. Ask them why they will not sit in the presentation and this is likely to be their response “it is a program for my team”.
Finally there is also an issue of status .Some strongly believe that it does not really matter what one learns. To them, it is about where the program will happen and the class of people who will be sitting with them for that seminar or presentation .Like the issue of pride, the status consideration at all times is equally unfortunate.
Many of today’s young workers will throw in issues such as inadequate resources to embark on continuous professional development. You will find the same people finding other excuses to ignore, if such functions are sponsored or financed by their organization.
No matter your good reason for failing to embark on actions to keep you in time, continuous professional development is a strong winning tool and must be embarked upon by all of us. You learn alot through the Multisoft PAT Program. Perhaps, enough of your past winning glories. Let us now focus on how to be equally better for today’s assignments as well as those assignments to come in the years ahead .In many little ways ,we can learn to update ourselves –seemingly little but actually very important .Consider your time at college as an opportunity to know how to learn. Now that you are out of the college, you can do more learning in whichever means available.
Join us in our monthly PAT Programme and learn new tools and concepts relevant to today’s business It is said that, the world now does not need LEARNT professors and professional, we rather need LEARNING ones.
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