Norming PSA eHRMS
Paymaster Payroll

To build a more effective organization, you must develop a cohesive HRM strategy that is tightly linked to your overall business goals. Norming eHRMS is a fully web-based and mobile-enabled human resource management system, designed to work for everyone in an organization by two work portals, Manager Portal and Employee Self-Service (ESS) Portal. Manager Portal incorporates all the HRM functionalities to facilitate the HR-related data management and business processes. ESS Portal enables employees to connect with HR administrators and line managers anytime and anywhere via a web browser or mobile device.

Norming eHRMS delivers a comprehensive platform and robust functionality to enable your organization to implement all four HRM strategies:

Comply: Managing core HR data and processes, payroll, benefits, and / regulatory compliance.

Automate: Saving cost and time with comprehensive, workflow-driven employee self-service portal.

Measure: Providing intelligence and analytical tools to deliver information and determine the value of HR investments.

Align: Offering flexible programs designed to increase workforce value through a broad range of development, performance management, and training applications

Employee Data Management

Norming eHRMS provides a centralized data repository for all HR activities throughout your organization. Regardless of whether you are performing routine functions or dramatic organizational changes, you work with a single, consistent, globally accessible record for each employee.

Norming eHRMS track all the employee-related data elements, including:

  • Personal data and contact information.
  • Dependents and address Information.
  • Employment contract and renewal records.
  • Job development history & succession plans.
  • Skill and certification information.
  • Planned and completed training courses.
  • Education background and work experience
  • Payroll and bank account.
  • Benefit plans and contribution summary.
  • Performance appraisal history and scores.
  • Disciplinary cases and grievance records.
  • Any employee-related documents.
  • More…

Employee Relationship Management

Norming eHRMS is designed to maintain a better relationship between employees and organization by career development, effective communication and easier work environment.

Norming eHRMS includes the following functionality for a better employee relationship management.

  • Identify training needs and plan training classes for employees.
  • Set up and track the job succession plan for employees.
  • Track the job promotion, demotion and transfer of employees.
  • Manage the employment contract of employees.
  • Control the job termination process of employees.
  • Progress and track disciplinary cases of employees.
  • Progress and track grievance requests from employees.
  • Broadcast newsletters to specified employees.
  • Conduct online survey to collect employees’ comments.
  • Allow employees to share work calendars to others.
  • More…

Attendance and Leave Tracking

Norming eHRMS automates the entire attendance & leave tracking process and provides an intuitive, Web-based and Mobile-enabled interface for time entry and approval. At the same time, it helps you consolidate attendance, leave and overtime records per period and employee, to generate the attendance summary report.

For Attendance Tracking:

  • Set up work calendars to define workday, weekend and holiday.
  • Create shift codes to define work time and break time.
  • Assign shift schedule to employees to define work time in each period.
  • Use clocking device and mobile device to capture attendance records.
  • Submit/approve/review the attendance records on ESS Portal.
  • Generate attendance statistics and summary report automatically.

For Leave Tracking:

  • Set up leave codes to identify employee absence or vacation.
  • Define accruals or reset formulas to update the allowed leave or vacation days automatically.
  • Submit/approve leave schedule and request with ESS Portal.
  • Update the leave history and attendance statistics with the approved leave requests.

For Overtime Tracking:

  • Set up overtime rules to define the overtime banking and cashing formula.
  • Submit/approve/review overtime requests on the ESS Portal.
  • Update the overtime bank and attendance statistics with the approved overtime records.

Payroll and Benefits

Norming eHRMS provides a high-performance, easy to run, and rules-based payroll & beneift management module, helps you to reduce administration and decrease errors while improving your reporting and analysis capabilities.

Norming eHRMS provides the following functionality for a better payroll and benefit management.

  • Unlimited pay codes can be created to identify earnings, deductions,
  • benefit contribution, repayment, income tax, and etc. in payroll.
  • Unlimited benefit plans can be set up with specific coverage, premium,
  • contribution formula and eligibility criteria.
  • Earnings, deductions, benefit contributions and income tax can be
  • computed with user-defined formula.
  • Income tax table can be updated to comply with the local statutory
  • Attendance, leave and overtime records can be included in calculation of
  • earnings or deductions.
  • Loan repayment, reimbursement and casual earnings/deductions can be
  • included in payroll.
  • Pay statement can be defined to display and print the payroll details in a
  • specific pay period for employees.
  • Multi-dimensional payroll history inquiry and analysis.


Norming eHRMS provides a full-cycle, end-to-end recruiting solution that uses the Employee Self-Service portal to give line managers and recruiters the ability to collaborate in every phase of recruitment process.

1. Planning Phase

  • Line managers raise recruitment needs for vacant jobs on ESS Portal.
  • Recruiters identify the recruitment needs and skill requirements of vacant
  • jobs and then plan recruitment campaign.
  • Recruiters publish vacant jobs to the corporate website and ESS Portal.

2. Short Listing Phase

  • Recruiters identify primary applicants from the resume pool as
  • per the job requirement and preliminary assessment, and then
  • assign primary applicants to the related line managers.
  • Line managers screening primary applicants and shortlist

3. Assessment Phase

  • Recruiters set up balanced scorecard for applicant assessment.
  • Recruiters initiate appraisal process against primary applicants.
  • Line managers complete the appraisal form on ESS Portal.
  • Recruiters promote primary applicants to qualified applicants.

4. Sourcing Phase

  • Employees recommend friends for specific job on ESS portal.
  • Applicants submit a job application on the corporate website.
  • Recruiters search candidates from the resume pool.
  • Applicant’s resume can be translated to an applicant record.

5. Hiring Phase

A qualified applicant must be approved before it is converted to an employee.

The applicant approval workflow can be set up to control the final selection process.

Training Management

Norming eHRMS includes a set of easy-to-use training management functionality for identifying the training needs, planning training classes, delivering training videos, and tracking training history.

Manager Portal enables training managers to

  • Maintain a pool of training courses.
  • Manage training plans for employees.
  • Identifying the popular training courses.
  • Plan training classes for particular courses.
  • Manage the employee enrollment process.
  • Manage the course evaluation process.
  • Archive the training records of employees.

ESS Portal enables employees to

  • Submit training plans per job requirements or succession plan.
  • Submit an enrollment request for a training class.
  • Watch training course-attached video clips.
  • Complete the course evaluation.



Performance Appraisal

Norming eHRMS help you understand and utilize a popular employee appraisal method to implement your unique HRM strategies. It not only maintains a set of key performance indicators and appraisal scorecards, but also automates the employee appraisal process.

HR Administrators use Manager Portal to

  • Set up key performance indicators per the HRM strategies.
  • Construct appraisal scorecard templates with specified indicators.
  • Define appraisers with specific weight for each appraisal scorecard.
  • Specify the appraisal period for each appraisal process.
  • Start an appraisal process against a range of employees.
  • Archive the overall score and indicators’ score per employee.

Employees use ESS Portal to

  • Set up a personalized appraisal scorecard using a scorecard template.
  • Submit the personalized appraisal scorecard to managers for approval.
  • Complete self-appraisal process if it is necessary.

Line managers use ESS Portal to

  • Approve the appraisal scorecard from employees.
  • Complete employee appraisal process.

Reporting and Intelligence

Based on the advanced reporting and intelligence technology, Norming eHRMS provides access to accurate, timely, comprehensive data and help you perform comprehensive manpower analysis and monitor salary, recruitment, vacancy and termination trends.

Norming eHRMS includes the following reports:

  • Employee List and Details, Job History, Disciplinary Cases and
  • Grievance Requests, and etc.
  • Attendance Records & Summary, Leave Account & Activities, Overtime
  • Bank, Overtime Account Activities, and etc.
  • Pay Template, Pay Statement, Payroll Calculation Batch & History,
  • Benefit Accounts, Benefit Calculations, and etc.

Norming eHRMS includes the following dashboards:

  • Employee Distributions, Employee Headcount Change,and etc.
  • Reminders of Employment Contract Expiry, Employee Probation End,
  • Employee Birthday,and etc.
  • Attendance Comparison, Absence Comparison, and etc.
  • Salary Cost Distributions, Average Salary Cost Change,and etc.
  • More…