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Overcoming Digital Transformation Fatigue
Digital Transformation involves the collection of discreet initiatives that are by themselves, focused domains for someone’s entire career. Areas such as customer experience journey, project management, process automation and collaboration amongst others are some of the specialised fields.
A widening gap between digital ambition and execution comes about when the digital transformation agenda is not well defined and results in digital transformation fatigue. As such, when undertaking a digital transformation initiative, it is crucial to ask and answer a couple of questions. One key question worth asking is “What do we want to transform into?”
It is essential to first of all break down and contextualise what a business intends to transform into by identifying and defining where the business is in its digital transformation journey and where it eventually wants to be. This will help whittle out the right compelling message to bring all team members along. In essence, it is necessary to have a clear north star on the “whats” and “whys”, and adequately communicate to the key people in a way they care about, since they will be responsible for executing the agenda. The communication of a clear vision for digital transformation must not be in the form of corporate speech but something real that people can hold on to.
All implementation tasks take place at the lower level, this is the more reason why the understanding of the team at the lower level is critical to the success of any transformation drive. Hence, setting factual principles that the team can work with cannot be overemphasised. For instance, when you say “We want to delight our customers”, what does it mean and what should the team do with it?
Intrinsically, a successful digital transformation cannot happen without fundamentally changing the culture of the people involved. Cultural change is a process that can take some time as people are hard to transform. Therefore, for a favourable outcome to be realised, attention must be given to the operational impact of the digital transformation drive on existing processes, workflows, and employee roles. Cultural changes must be kept simple and inherent systemic obstructions eliminated. It is important to ensure cultural changes are broken down into realistic scenarios devoid of complexity and mushiness.
Regular review plays a key role in avoiding digital transformation fatigue. So, at each stage of implementation, key performance indicators (KPIs) must be outlined in any convenient way to measure success. The KPIs can either be quantitative or qualitative data and depending on what indicators are showing, it can be possible to halt and evaluate the implementation if the necessary results are not being achieved.
Written By
Felicia Agbodan
CEO, Multisoft Solutions
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