*Do you use spreadsheets or other manual systems to store and track sales correspondence?

*Have you tried getting your team to adopt a unified system to manage your prospects but ran into difficulty?

*Do you have a way of transferring prospects from the leads generating team to sales team besides email or paper?

*If one of the sales reps left tomorrow, would you be able to easily access the sales contacts, deals and deal history they were working on?

*How do you ensure prospects are receiving timely follow-ups?

*How do you receive reminders to follow up with sales contacts?

The list goes on and on and on……………….

Well, I am unable to know what your answer to the above questions are but if you answered yes to any of the above questions, then send a mail to sales@multisoftgh.com and we will provide a lasting solution to your customer relationship management challenges.

Allow me to walk you through a typical sales call over the telephone with a prospect in order to appreciate the challenges of the traditional pen and paper technique!

Take a look at the sales call …


+233 302 235 149 ringing…………..

“Thank You for calling Multisoft Solutions, my name is Pearl Dadzie. How may I assist you today?”

Caller: “I hope you are doing great?”

Pearl Dadzie: “Yes, I am doing well and thanks for asking.”

Caller:  Pearl I read your last article dubbed A LETTER TO THE GIANTS and I realized Multisoft Solutions  is a business partner to Sage, SAP, IQ Retail and you provide Business Management, Human Resource and Payroll software solutions.

Caller: I actually need a system to help manage my client database right from my first engagement to invoicing and to after sales services. My organization is into software business and we have a huge database.

He giggles and says…..well, not in your kind of software business. Of course Multisoft Solutions is in partnership with the “ Giants” … but we are into microfinance software! So stay easy! The industry knows you are in the lead. I replied with a smile, 17 years of practical experience has brought us this far!

I am happy to inform you that we have a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems which is user-friendly and designed to manage your interactions with clients and all other business partners.Pearl Dadzie:  Once again thank you for calling Multisoft Solutions , we really appreciate the endorsements. We dedicate our success to all our cherished clients and well-wishers. I am looking forward to you coming onboard by the end of our interaction.

Sir, you will agree with me that it is very expensive to retain a customer and of course “the fragile complexities” associated with it makes this responsibility very tiring but with a robust CRM systems delivered by our partners, you can easily control the activities around your business.  Our systems will help you collaborate better, stay Informed, integrate with all parties and make communication visible at all levels.

Bear in mind Sir, that these systems come loaded with features such as sales force automation, call center automation, location based services, marketing automation etc.  Our CRM systems integrate with your core business management systems and help control activities around Inventory, Account Receivable/Payable, Cashbook, Bank Reconciliation and other key accounting areas.

Caller: I will like to request for a demo, how soon can your pre-sales team be available for a demo presentation?

Pearl Dadzie:  Our pre-sales team is on standby, kindly allow me a minute to take down a few details:

  • Can you please provide your contact details?
  • Do you have multiple locations?
  • Do you require a Web Solution?
  • How many users would you want on the software?

Pearl Dadzie: Any further inquiries Sir?

Caller: None for now, Pearl.

Pearl Dadzie: We will get back to you with the date and time. Once again thank you for calling Multisoft. Bye

Caller: bye

“Dear Reader, can you trust a pen and paper approach over such a long conversation?  Kindly send your comments to sales@multisoftgh.com ”

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