From Design Through to
This is how Sage Enterprise manages your Projects
If you are looking for a comprehensive software solution to streamline your service activities and keep the operational, sales and financial aspects of your customers’ projects firmly on the radar, Sage Enterprise Management is your ideal solution.
As a service provider, your main challenges involve overseeing your customers’ projects, from design through to completion and to ensure that you are in total control of the quality of delivery, project documentations, financials and progress. Sage Enterprise Management comes with a dual customer and operational view, and handle your projects by:
- Centralising all the project-related components and events, and standardising the associated processes.
- Simplifying project management and ensuring accurate tracking: a reliable evaluation of plan which measures need to be taken.
- Measuring project financial performance in order to control jobs, assess their profitability, draw comparisons between current projects, model transactions for tracking, forecasting and managing customers’ projects, and archiving current statements.
Sage Enterprise Management is not just your ERP software with basic project management functionalities, it is a complete solution to make your project complete. Explore the functionalities:
Project Management
- Project management structure
- Project template & projects link
- Dependency of level
- Definition of operations generated
- Internal & external view
- Detailed tasks/products defined
on the lines
- Invoicing rules (Situation / Fixed Date /Steps…)
- Invoicing generation (invoice per
project, per customer, entities…)
- Purchase, distribution, manufacturing, services lines links to the different processes
- Turnover and costs defined at the line level & aggregate to other levels
- Project review through situation
- Saved situation
- Automated situation
- Generation of operations due to the
situation (service resquest, purchase,
working order, invoices…)
- Automated invoicing
- Manual adjustment of remaining time
Service request
- Operation of services
- Generated by the situations
- Assigned or not to a resource
- Assigned or not to a project
- Approval process definition
- Time sheet transaction
- Expenses sheet transaction
- User Sheets based on the web, smartphones, tablets
- Approval definition
- Definition of processes depending on operations entered
- Default value definition
- Default operation definition
- Resource definition (default value, site, team, hourly rate…)
- User datasheet definition
- Mass entry report activity
- Situation updates
Recurrent contract
- Periodical invoice and / or service
- Contract structure definition
- Maintenance contract
- Installed base missions
- Regular invoicing period
- Revision type definition
- Generation frequency
- Forbidden periods
- Invoicing simulation
Cost accounting
- Analytical dimensions
- Default dimensions
- Accounting links definition
- Accounting interface
- Journal entry from time sheet
- Budget generation
- Global project review, graphical
explanation, traceability of operations
Contact Multisoft Solutions today for further engagements.
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